To view a list of videos in each playlist or select individual videos, click on the icon in the upper right hand side of the video player.
Trainer Tips
Get tips from the top trainers and improve your performance! There are more than 20 Trainer Tips in this Playlist. To see the complete list, click here.
Class Descriptions
Want to learn more about the Stock Horse of Texas classes? Click here to go to our YouTube playlist. We have videos discussing the class requirements, rules and examples of each of the SHTX classes.
Judge’s Corner
Explanation of each of the Stock Horse classes and judging system. SHTX is in the process of updating all educational show videos. Check back soon!
Tack Tips
Get tips from trainers and tack makers on how to use equipment, clean and maintain it, determine what is legal, etc. Get the complete list of Tack Tip videos by clicking here.