SHTX-TQHA Ride for the Cash Program!
SHTX has partnered with the Texas Quarter Horse Association to offer a great INCENTIVE program for all divisions! We will award 10 — yes TEN — $1,000 prizes to eligible members at the Year End Banquet! This program was created to reward members who consistently show with Stock Horse of Texas.
To be eligible:
1. Join SHTX and TQHA (TQHA memberships are $30 and can be purchased here)
2. Participate in the SHTX All Around at 6+ different shows during the calendar year
That’s it! You will be eligible!
Don’t miss out on YOUR opportunity to win some money!!!
SHTX announces APHA Incentive Programs!
Stock Horse of Texas is excited to present added value programs for SHTX members who ride horses registered with the American Paint Horse Association.
APHA High Point Award
APHA will recognize the highest placing registered Paint (Solid or Regular Registry) horse at the Year End SHTX Banquet at the end of the show year. To participate, riders must:
- Fill out the online form designating their horse has APHA registration by Nov 1 of the current show year. A copy of the papers must be uploaded with this form
- The award is presented to the Highest Placing Paint horse across all SHTX year end divisions,
Chrome Cash at the SHTX World Show
Riders will need to enter the Chrome Cash side pot for the World Show. Added money is included from SHTX and APHA into the Chrome Cash side pot. Entry information will be available before the World Show. Riders across all divisions are combined and ranked based on scores to determine the Chrome Cash winners. Money is paid out based on the SHTX payout schedule.
Not registered? Its super easy! If your horse has an APHA parent OR 2” of solid white hair in the qualifying area, your horse may be eligible for APHA registration!
Text Sunny Bates at 817-219-7985 to register or check eligibility.
- Click to view a few AQHA/APHA registered performance sires & dams with aged event foals
- AQHA horses with as little as 2” of SOLID white in qualifying areas is all it can take to get APHA registered. Click to view example photos...
SHTX Teams up with TQHA for the Texas Triple Threat
Stock Horse of Texas is excited to partner with Texas Quarter Horse Association to pay our $10,000 among the top riders across all divisions at the Western Horseman Stock Horse World Show. The Texas Triple Threat Incentive is designed to reward Texas horse owners and Texas riders who rideTexas-bred American Quarter Horses. The TTT is for regular World Show classes only and does not apply to the Derby or the Collegiate divisions.
- Exhibitor must be a Texas resident and member of SHTX and TQHA by October 25 of the current year (TQHA memberships can be purchased online)
- Owner and breeder must be a Texas resident
- Ownership and Breeder is based off of AQHA registration papers
- A copy of the horse papers must be uploaded to verify Texas residency of the owner and breeder
- Eligible riders must fill out the Texas Triple Threeat online entry form by October 25
Scores of eligible riders will be pooled together across all divisions and ranked for each class. Points will be assigned based on those rankings, and those with the most points will earn Texas Triple Threat payout based on the SHTX payout schedule.