Back # Program — New in 2020!

Do you have a lucky number? Do you want to keep your back number all year long? Introducing the SHTX Back # Program!

By donating to the SHTX Scholarship Fund and following these simple steps, you can have your back number for the year.

  1. Choose an available back number (1-999). A list of purchased (unavailable) back #s will be on this page. Back numbers renew each calendar year.
  2. Mail a check payable to SHTX for $100 per back number. Include information on what back # you want.
  3. We do our best to remember your number and assign that to you at a show. However, please check the Entry Proofing List of each show to verify we assigned your purchased back number. If not, we can fix it at that tie -- but it's really hard to adjust at the show.
  4. You will be given 2 copes of your chosen number. You will need to keep up with that number for each show. SHTX does not have duplicates.
  5. Thanks for supporting the SHTX Scholarship Program!

Click here to see the current numbers that are unavailable

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