Award Programs
Novice Achievement Award
The Novice Achievement Award is geared toward our dedicated Novice competitors. This award is based on points earned by a Novice horse/rider combination within a 5-consecutive-year period. Once a horse and rider have earned 1600 points, they become eligible for the Novice Achievement Award. These points are counted each year, and the year’s totals are added to determine a rider's total points. The accumulation of points began in the 2009 show season. Members who have won All Around Champion or Reserve Champion at any show are not eligible for this award.
Click here to view Novice Achievement Points
Constant Competitor Award
The Constant Competitor Award was created to reward riders who haul many miles to SHTX shows and compete in the All Around throughout the year. Members who attend a minimum of 8 shows in a calendar year will be presented with an embroidered trophy vest or jacket at the annual SHTX Banquet. Members earning a Year-End trophy vest or jacket are not eligible for this award. Special events, such as the Futurity/Derby or entries in co-approved shows (like AQHA VRH entries) do not count toward the Constant Competitor Award.
Stock Horse of Texas Merit Award Program
The Merit Award was designed to recognize the best-of-the-best versatile Western Stock Horses. The award honors horse/rider teams at the pinnacle of their career and are the highest honors a horse/rider can earn in Stock Horse of Texas. A horse/rider team is automatically awarded SHTX Merit points by competing in either the Open, Level 1 Open or Non Pro divisions of an approved Stock Horse of Texas competition. In 2023, the Board also created the Limited Superior and Supreme Merit Award for horse/rider team shown in the Limited division.
SHTX Merit points shall be awarded to a one-horse/one-rider team showing in all four classes and based on the number of entries in the All Around division up to a maximum of 10 points. (Example: Horses may receive a maximum of 10 SHTX Merit points for being the high-point horse, 9 points for reserve, and 8 points for third, down to 1 point for placing 10th overall. If only 8 horses are entered in the All Around, the high-point horse will receive 8 points, down to 1 point for placing 8th overall.) A horse may receive points with more than one rider, but the points cannot be added together for more than one rider or transferred to another rider. Horses that change riders must start over in accumulating Merit points. Ownership may change, but the rider must remain constant.
The Superior Stock Horse Versatility Award level is achieved when a horse/rider combination earns at least 100 SHTX Merit points.
The Supreme Stock Horse Versatility Award level is achieved when a horse/rider combination earns at least 200 SHTX Merit points.
Merit Award Winners/Points Limited Merit Award Winners (retroactive 3 years to 2020)
Visit the SHTX Merit Hall of Fame
See the SHTX Handbook for more detailed information on these awards.
Legacy Horse Award
Horses that compete in all four SHTX events are versatile. Those that carry multiple riders to top honors in all 4 SHTX events are truly special, and the SHTX Board wants to recognize those horses! The Legacy Horse award recognizes horses that reach Top 10 Year end or Top 10 at Premier events (World Show, Futurity, Derby) with at least 3 different riders in 3 different calendar years. This award will be presented at the annual Awards Banquet.
Owner or former owner must nominate the horse by January 1, and include copies of results that verify a horse is eligible for the award with the nomination form, as well as a high resolution photo.
Year End Awards
Year-End awards are presented to those in the All-Around standings in the Open, Non Pro, Limited Non Pro, Intermediate, Novice, Youth, Novice Youth and Junior Horse divisions. Year-End High Point Individual Class winners are also recognized.
Year-End Awards will be based on a total of the approved shows at which a horse/rider combination competes in a single division. All but two shows will count for year-end All-Around and Class points, regardless of how many shows are held. To be eligible for Year-End All Around awards, a horse/rider combination must compete in the All Around at least 50% or more of the shows in a specific division within a given year. (Special events, like the Futurity/Derby do not count toward the number of shows.)
For additional rules related to Year End Awards as well as other award programs, consult the SHTX Handbook.
Collegiate Year-End Awards
The Collegiate Year-End Awards are presented to the two highest-placing collegiate riders in the Open/Non Pro, Limited Non Pro/Intermediate, and Novice collegiate divisions. Year-End calculations are based on collegiate points earned at SHTX-sanctioned Collegiate Shows during a given calendar year. Winners receive their awards during the SHTX Year-End Awards Banquet.